Calibration and Measurement Capabilities – CMCs
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In case of multiple search, please use ADVANCED SEARCH.
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Key and supplementary comparisons
Added keywords act as an additional filter. Keywords separated by a space will be treated by the logical function AND automatically. You may also use OR. Keyword searches also find close matches. Placing quotation marks (") before and after the search word, e.g. "word", will allow for exact matches.

In case of multiple search, please use ADVANCED SEARCH.
Advanced search
24 MARCH 2025
Temperature - GULFMET
The first CMC in temperature measurements has been published in the KCDB for United Arab Emirates via GULFMET, in the field of Thermometry.
25 MARCH 2025
Key Comparison - Electrochemistry
The Final report and results of the key comparison CCQM-K170 have recently been published in the KCDB. This is a comparison on the measurement of electrolytic conductivity, coordinated by the National Institute of Metrology (NIM) China, and included participants from 18 state economies.
25 MARCH 2025
CCQM key comparison in trace elements analysis
The Final report of the key comparison CCQM-K144 has been published in the KCDB. This is a comparison of analysis of trace elements as impurities in alumina powder in the field of Inorganic chemistry in which four state economies participated.
24 MARCH 2025
Temperature and Humidity - EURAMET
47 new and 27 modified CMCs covering temperature and humidity measurements, have recently been published for Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechia, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland via EURAMET, in the field of Thermometry.
Currently in the KCDB there are
258 CIPM MRA participants
1218 key comparisons
26145 CMCs
724 supplementary comparisons