Calibration and Measurement Capabilities – CMCs
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In case of multiple search, please use ADVANCED SEARCH.
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Key and supplementary comparisons
Added keywords act as an additional filter. Keywords separated by a space will be treated by the logical function AND automatically. You may also use OR. Keyword searches also find close matches. Placing quotation marks (") before and after the search word, e.g. "word", will allow for exact matches.

In case of multiple search, please use ADVANCED SEARCH.
Advanced search
Manganese-54 - BIPM
The most recent results of the continuous comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Mn-54 have been published in the KCDB, including results obtained by Radioisotope Centre Polatom (POLATOM), Poland and can be consulted in the KCDB.
Mass standards - APMP
2 revised CMCs in mass measurements have recently been published in the KCDB for China via APMP, in the field of Mass and related quantities.
Key comparison in voltage - BIPM
The most recent results of the continous key comparison BIPM.EM-K11 have been published in the KCDB including the results obtained with NSAI NML (Ireland). This is a continuous bi-lateral comparison of voltage measurements at 1 V and 10 V in the field of Electricity and Magnetism in which 26 state economies have participated.
31 JANUARY 2025
Supplementary comparison in mass standards - EURAMET
The Final report of the supplementary comparison EURAMET.M.M-S11 has been approved and published in the KCDB.  This is a comparison of mass standards of 20 kg in the field of Mass and related quantities in which 12 state economies participated.
Currently in the KCDB there are
255 CIPM MRA participants
1215 key comparisons
26126 CMCs
717 supplementary comparisons